State of the Art Equipment
At Riverview Vision Center, we combine our decades of experience with the industry’s latest equipment to bring our patients the most precise and informed eyecare service. Please keep reading to learn more about the specific technologies we are using with our patients today.

Optomap (Wide Field High-Resolution Retinal Photography)
The optomap uses lasers to take highly detailed retinal imaging that helps eye doctors assess the retina’s health. The optomap is the only image that provides an ultra-widefield view of up to 82% of the retina in one capture. A simple optomap is an important tool for the screening, early detection and a single diagnosis of eye problems such as retinal detachment and tears, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration. It can also indicate evidence of non-eye diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and certain cancers. Many of these conditions can be seen in the periphery of the retina, as well as in the central pole, which is why ultra-widefield imaging is so important.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
Optical Coherence Tomography, or OCT, is a non-invasive scan of the retina which provides your doctor with detailed, 3D, color-coded, and cross-sectional images of the macula and the retina. These images enable your doctor to detect signs of eye disease in early stages, which may not have any symptoms. Nothing touches your eye, and the test is painless and quick.

Reteval ERG/VEP (electroretinopathy and visual electrophysiology)
This device is a powerful, handheld device that effectively performs ERG testing. The Reteval allows our doctors to perform visual electrophysiology on your eyes both quickly and easily. We receive instant data that helps us discern the condition of your retina. With this device, we are able to assess glaucoma, retinal diseases, color changes in your vision, and much more.

Visual Field
A visual field test is an eye examination that can detect dysfunction in central and peripheral vision which may be caused by various medical conditions such as glaucoma, stroke, pituitary disease, brain tumours or other neurological deficits.

Digital Refraction (Huvitz Digital Phoropter)
What is Digital Refraction? Digital refraction is a type of vision testing that uses a computer to measure your eye prescription. Digital refraction is a more accurate and efficient way to get your prescription. There are many benefits of digital refraction, including:
-More accurate prescriptions
-Faster Testing- With digital refraction there’s no need for the doctor to take multiple measurements by hand.
-Increased comfort
-Better Visuals-During digital refraction, you will be able to see exactly how each lens affects your vision which allows you to make an informed decision about which prescription is right for you.

Rabin Cone Contrast Test
This test detects both hereditary and acquired color vision loss. Using a combination of color and contrast, the Rabin Cone Contrast test is a quantifiable measure of color vision, allowing detection of both hereditary and acquired color vision loss.

iCare Tonometer – Skip the “Puff of Air” Test
Do you dread going to the eye doctor because you know you will have to get the “puff of air” test? When you visit Riverview Vision Center, you won’t need to go through the “puff of air” test.
At Riverview Vision Center, we use a wonderful new method to evaluate your IOP (intraocular pressure) called the iCare Tonometer. The iCare Tonometer is advanced technology which can measure the pressure within the eye without the use of drops or the “puff of air”. The device is handheld and uses a light probe to accurately measure the pressure within the eyes within 1-2 seconds.

We use the autorefractor to aid the doctor in determining the correct lens prescription for your eyes.
How does the Autorefractor work?
Autorefractors only take a few moments to determine each measurement for each eye. Autorefractors are quite reliable and are often used in conjunction with a machine called a phoropter which switches lenses in front of your eyes to provide ideal vision correction.
While seated in front of the autorefractor, you will be asked to focus on an image or point of light. The autorefractor automatically determines the correction needed to place your “focus point” on top of the retina, the light-sensitive area at the back of the eye responsible for correctly processing images.
What are the benefits of the Autorefractor?
The autorefractor provides highly accurate measurements to determine vision correction needs automatically. Some children and people with special needs may have trouble sitting calmly during a longer eye exam or may have a difficult time describing their visual needs or problems. The autorefractor can capture this information very quickly, and with a high degree of accuracy.